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Toby Bozzuto Named to Daily Record Power 100 List

February 26, 2021

Toby Bozzuto, president and CEO of the Bozzuto Group, posing in front of a mural.

Meet the Daily Record’s Power 100

By: Daily Record Staff

Biographer Robert Caro, in discussing his craft, wrote that “power reveals.” It reveals the true character of people, the nature of their endeavors, their goals and ambitions.

Welcome to The Daily Record’s inaugural Power 100 List.

We are recognizing the men and women across Maryland who are shaping our businesses, governments, nonprofits, law firms and other critical institutions. In essence, they are playing an outsize role in the culture, lifestyle, civic conversation and economic fortunes of Maryland.

What this list reveals is the rich fabric of leadership across the breadth of our state, the energy, drive and wisdom that the times demand. As technological change, social challenges and a daunting pandemic sweep the nation, these are the men and women whom our citizens are counting on to respond to these challenges.

The Daily Record Power 100 was chosen by our editorial team. We reached out to readers and others for input and perspective. Many of the Power 100 are familiar to all of us, but some are known largely within their organizations or communities.

In these pages we’ve tried to capture the essence of these leaders and the power they wield. While there’s a wealth of biographical information, we wanted to offer more than the contents of a resume. We sought to explore how these men and women see their accomplishments, who were the mentors who guided them, how they unwind and relax at the end of the day. We wanted to reveal what drives them.

This list kicks off a series of Power Lists throughout 2021 that will showcase the most powerful figures in law, higher education, health care, manufacturing and other fields.

We hope you enjoy this publication, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

– Thomas Baden Jr.
Editor, The Daily Record

Click here to read the article and see the full Power 100 list.

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